Results for 'Review by: Elizabeth Harman'

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  1.  52
    Review: Caspar Hare, The Limits of Kindness. [REVIEW]Review by: Elizabeth Harman - 2015 - Ethics 125 (3):868-872,.
  2. David Benatar. Better never to have been: The harm of coming into existence (oxford: Oxford university press, 2006). [REVIEW]Elizabeth Harman - 2009 - Noûs 43 (4):776-785.
    In this book, David Benatar argues that every person is severely harmed by being brought into existence, and that in bringing any person into existence one impermissibly harms that person. His conclusion is not merely that by bringing a person into existence, one harms him. That claim is compatible with the claim that by bringing a person into existence, one also greatly benefits him, and even with the claim that one never impermissibly harms someone by bringing him into existence. His (...)
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  3. Can we harm and benefit in creating?Elizabeth Harman - 2004 - Philosophical Perspectives 18 (1):89–113.
    The non-identity problem concerns actions that affect who exists in the future. If such an action is performed, certain people will exist in the future who would not otherwise have existed: they are not identical to any of the people who would have existed if the action had not been performed. Some of these actions seem to be wrong, and they seem to be wrong in virtue of harming the very future individuals whose existence is dependent on their having been (...)
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  4. Morally Permissible Moral Mistakes.Elizabeth Harman - 2016 - Ethics 126 (2):366-393.
    Does it ever happen that there are things we shouldn’t do and the reasons we shouldn’t do them are moral reasons, yet doing them is not morally wrong? Surprisingly, yes. I argue for a category that has not been recognized by moral theorists: morally permissible moral mistakes. Sometimes a supererogatory action is the thing a person should do; in failing to act, one makes a morally permissible moral mistake. Recognizing the category of morally permissible moral mistakes solves a puzzle about (...)
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  5. Transformative Experiences and Reliance on Moral Testimony.Elizabeth Harman - 2015 - Res Philosophica 92 (2):323-339.
    Some experiences are transformative in that it is impossible to imagine experiencing them until one experiences them. It has been argued that pregnancy and parenthood are like that, and that therefore one cannot make a rational decision whether to become a mother. I argue that pregnancy and parenthood are not like that; but that if even if they are, a woman can still make a rational decision by relying on testimony about the value of these experiences. I then discuss an (...)
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  6. Fischer and Lamenting Nonexistence.Elizabeth Harman - 2011 - Social Theory and Practice 37 (1):129-142.
    Why do we wish to die later but do not wish to have been created earlier? There is no puzzle here. It is false that if we had been created earlier we would have lived longer lives. Why don’t we wish to have been created earlier but with our actual times of death? That wish simply is not mandated by the more general wish to have lived a longer life. Furthermore, one might prefer one’s actual life to the better, but (...)
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  7. Moral Testimony Goes Only So Far.Elizabeth Harman - 2019 - Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility 6:165-185.
    This paper argues for answers to two questions, and then identifies a tension between the two answers. First, regarding the implications of moral ignorance for moral responsibility: “Do false moral views exculpate?” Does believing that one is acting morally permissibly render one blameless? It does not. Second, in moral epistemology: “Can moral testimony provide moral knowledge?” It can (even granting some worries about moral deference). The tension: If moral testimony can provide moral knowledge, then surely it can provide justified false (...)
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  8. Moral Status.Elizabeth Harman - 2003 - Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Chapters One through Three present the following view: I explain moral status as follows: something has moral status just in case we have, reasons not to cause harms to it simply in virtue of the badness of the harms for it. Moral status is not a matter of degree. A living thing has moral status just in case it is ever conscious. If something has moral status, then the strength of a moral reason not to harm it is proportional to (...)
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  9.  60
    Hare, Caspar. The Limits of Kindness.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. Pp. 229. $40.00. [REVIEW]Elizabeth Harman - 2015 - Ethics 125 (3):868-872.
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    Christopher Watkin, Difficult Atheism: Post-Theological Thinking in Alain Badiou, Jean-Luc Nancy, and Quentin Meillassoux, Review by Jason Harman[REVIEW]Jason Harman - 2012 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 16 (2):270-273.
  11. Thought.Gilbert Harman - 1973 - Princeton, NJ, USA: Princeton University Press.
    Thoughts and other mental states are defined by their role in a functional system. Since it is easier to determine when we have knowledge than when reasoning has occurred, Gilbert Harman attempts to answer the latter question by seeing what assumptions about reasoning would best account for when we have knowledge and when not. He describes induction as inference to the best explanation, or more precisely as a modification of beliefs that seeks to minimize change and maximize explanatory coherence. (...)
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  12. The Quadruple Object.Graham Harman - 2011 - Zero Books.
    In this book the metaphysical system of Graham Harman is presented in lucid form, aided by helpful diagrams. In Chapter 1, Harman gives his most forceful critique to date of philosophies that reject objects as a primary reality. All such rejections are tainted by either an undermining or overmining approach to objects. In Chapters 2 and 3, he reviews his concepts of sensual and real objects. In the process, he attacks the prestige normally granted to philosophies of human (...)
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  13. Moral relativism defended.Gilbert Harman - 1975 - Philosophical Review 84 (1):3-22.
    My thesis is that morality arises when a group of people reach an implicit agreement or come to a tacit understanding about their relations with one another. Part of what I mean by this is that moral judgments - or, rather, an important class of them - make sense only in relation to and with reference to one or another such agreement or understanding. This is vague, and I shall try to make it more precise in what follows. But it (...)
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  14. Meillassoux’s Virtual Future.Graham Harman - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):78-91.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 78-91. This article consists of three parts. First, I will review the major themes of Quentin Meillassoux’s After Finitude . Since some of my readers will have read this book and others not, I will try to strike a balance between clear summary and fresh critique. Second, I discuss an unpublished book by Meillassoux unfamiliar to all readers of this article, except those scant few that may have gone digging in the microfilm archives of the École (...)
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  15. The Importance of Bruno Latour for Philosophy.Graham Harman - 2007 - Cultural Studies Review 13 (1):31-49.
    This article explores the importance of French thinker, Bruno Latour, for academic philosophy and addresses the question of why, when he has an enthusiastic following in a range of disciplines including sociology, anthropology and the fine arts, he has been largely overlooked by academic philosophers.
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  16. Object-Oriented France: The Philosophy of Tristan Garcia.Graham Harman - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):6-21.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 6–21. The French philosopher and novelist Tristan Garcia was born in Toulouse in 1981. This makes him rather young to have written such an imaginative work of systematic philosophy as Forme et objet , 1 the latest entry in the MétaphysiqueS series at Presses universitaires de France. But this reference to Garcia’s youthfulness is not a form of condescension: by publishing a complete system of philosophy in the grand style, he has already done what none of us (...)
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  17. Online versions of recently published work.Gilbert Harman - manuscript
    "What Is Cognitive Access?" PDF. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (2007 [published 2008]): 505. Brief comments on a paper of Ned Block's. "Mechanical Mind," a review of Mind as Machine: A History of Cognitive Science by Margaret Boden. Online Published Version . From American Scientist (2008): 76-81.
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    A critical analysis of Purnomo and colleagues’ interpretation in Matthew 6:9–13.Harman Z. Laia & Sri Binar - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 81 (1):8.
    The reinterpretation of the Lord’s Prayer (Mt 6:9–13) as a prayer of thanksgiving rather than petition, based on their argument that the aorist tense in imperative and/or subjunctive verbs signifies actions completed in the past, along with their critique of the Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia (LAI) translation as erroneous, sparked debates among Christians in Indonesia and was leveraged by non-Christian groups to question the Bible’s authenticity. This study aimed to evaluate the validity of Purnomo et al.’s research by focussing on their (...)
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    27. Reflections on Language, by Noam Chomsky; On Noam Chomsky: Critical Essays.Gilbert Harman - 2014 - In Bernard Williams, Essays and Reviews: 1959-2002. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 133-140.
  20.  43
    Reviewing the womb.Elizabeth Chloe Romanis, Dunja Begović, Margot R. Brazier & Alexandra Katherine Mullock - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):820-829.
    Throughout most of human history women have been defined by their biological role in reproduction, seen first and foremost as gestators, which has led to the reproductive system being subjected to outside interference. The womb was perceived as dangerous and an object which husbands, doctors and the state had a legitimate interest in controlling. In this article, we consider how notions of conflict surrounding the womb have endured over time. We demonstrate how concerns seemingly generated by the invisibility of reproduction (...)
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  21. Love isn't all you need. [REVIEW]Gilbert Harman - 2001 - Times Literary Supplement 26 (5104):26.
    Virtue ethics is a type of ethical theory in which the notion of virtue or good character plays a central role. This splendid new book describes a “program” for the development of a particular (“Aristotelian”) form of virtue ethics. The book is intended to be used as a textbook, but should be read by anyone interested in moral philosophy. Hursthouse has been a major contributor to the development of virtue ethics and the program she describes, while making use of the (...)
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    The Creation of Scientific Effects: Heinrich Hertz and Electric Waves by Jed Z. Buchwald. [REVIEW]P. Harman - 1995 - Isis 86:341-342.
  23. The columbia history of twentieth-century French thought.Elizabeth Butterfield - 2007 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45 (2):340-341.
    Elizabeth Butterfield - The Columbia History of Twentieth-Century French Thought - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45:2 Journal of the History of Philosophy 45.2 340-341 Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents Reviewed by Elizabeth Butterfield Georgia Southern University Lawrence D. Kritzman, editor. The Columbia History of Twentieth-Century French Thought. New York: Columbia University Press, 2006. Pp.xxv + 787. Cloth, $85.00. This unique collection of short articles surveying twentieth-century French thought sets itself apart from other reference works in (...)
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    Core knowledge, language learning, and the origins of morality and pedagogy: Reply to reviews of What babies know.Elizabeth S. Spelke - 2023 - Mind and Language 38 (5):1336-1350.
    The astute reviews by Hamlin and by Revencu and Csibra provide compelling arguments and evidence for the early emergence of moral evaluation, communication, and pedagogical learning. I accept these conclusions but not the reviewers' claims that infants' talents in these domains depend on core systems of moral evaluation or pedagogical communication. Instead, I suggest that core knowledge of people as agents and as social beings, together with infants' emerging understanding of their native language, support learning about people as moral agents, (...)
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  25. Statistical Learning Theory: A Tutorial.Sanjeev R. Kulkarni & Gilbert Harman - 2011 - Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics 3 (6):543-556.
    In this article, we provide a tutorial overview of some aspects of statistical learning theory, which also goes by other names such as statistical pattern recognition, nonparametric classification and estimation, and supervised learning. We focus on the problem of two-class pattern classification for various reasons. This problem is rich enough to capture many of the interesting aspects that are present in the cases of more than two classes and in the problem of estimation, and many of the results can be (...)
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  26.  63
    The Virtuous, Wise, and Knowledgeable Teacher: Living the Good Life as a Professional Practitioner.Elizabeth Campbell - 2013 - Educational Theory 63 (4):413-430.
    In this essay, Elizabeth Campbell reviews three recent books that address the ethical nature of professional practice: Knowledge and Virtue in Teaching and Learning: The Primacy of Dispositions, by Hugh Sockett; The Good Life of Teaching: An Ethics of Professional Practice, by Chris Higgins; and Towards Professional Wisdom: Practical Deliberation in the People Professions, edited by Liz Bondi, David Carr, Chris Clark, and Cecelia Clegg. While the first two books are situated within the context of teaching and education, the (...)
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    Schizophrenia in the World: Arguments for a Contextual Phenomenology of Psychopathology.Elizabeth Pienkos - 2020 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 51 (2):184-206.
    Traditionally, phenomenological theories of schizophrenia have emphasized disturbances in self-experience, with relatively little acknowledgement of the surrounding world. However, epidemiological research consistently demonstrates a strong relationship between traumatic and stressful life events and the development of schizophrenia, suggesting that encounters in the world are highly relevant for many people diagnosed with this disorder. This paper reviews foundational texts in phenomenology and phenomenological psychopathology on the nature of subjectivity and its disturbances, finding support for broadening contemporary phenomenological models of schizophrenia to (...)
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  28. Climate change, collective harm and legitimate coercion.Elizabeth Cripps - 2011 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 14 (2):171-193.
    Liberalism faces a tension between its commitment to minimal interference with individual liberty and the urgent need for strong collective action on global climate change. This paper attempts to resolve that tension. It does so on the one hand by defending an expanded model of collective moral responsibility, according to which a set of individuals can be responsible, qua ?putative group?, for harm resulting from the predictable aggregation of their individual acts. On the other, it defends a collectivized version of (...)
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  29. Measures of Consciousness.Elizabeth Irvine - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (3):285-297.
    Consciousness is now a hot topic in both philosophy and the cognitive sciences, yet there is much controversy over how to measure it. First, it is not clear whether biased subjective reports should be taken as adequate for measuring consciousness, or if more objective measures are required. Ways to benefit from the advantages of both these measures in the form of ‘Type 2’ metacognitive measures are under development, but face criticism. Research into neurophysiological measures of consciousness is potentially very valuable, (...)
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    Towards a theory of values-based labeling.Elizabeth Barham - 2002 - Agriculture and Human Values 19 (4):349-360.
    An outline of a theory ofvalues-based labeling as a social movementargues that it is motivated by the need tore-embed the agro-food economy in the largersocial economy. A review of some basic premisesof embeddedness theories derived from the workof Karl Polanyi reveals their connection toparticular values-based labeling efforts. Fromthis perspective, values-based labelingpresents itself as primarily an ethical andmoral effort to counter unsustainable trendswithin presently existing capitalism. Theselabels distinguish themselves from ordinarycommercial labels by a focus on processand on quality. Evaluating thetransformative (...)
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    A Counterexample to Two Accounts of Harm.Duncan Purves - 2014 - Southwest Philosophy Review 30 (1):243-250.
    Two alternative accounts have emerged as viable competitors to the forerunning counterfactual comparative account in the recent debate concerning the nature of harm. These are the “non-comparative statebased account of harm ” defended by Elizabeth Harman, the “event-based account of harm ” defended by Matthew Hanser. I raise one simple but serious counterexample involving “non-regrettable disabilities” that applies to both of these alternative accounts but that is avoided by the counterfactual comparative account. I point out that my counterexample (...)
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  32. Who Needs the ’Actual Future Principle’?Nathan Nobis - 2002 - Southwest Philosophy Review 18 (2):55-63.
    Elizabeth Harman has presented a novel view on the moral status of early fetuses that she calls the “ Actual Future Principle” : An early fetus that will become a person has some moral status. An early fetus that will die while it is still an early fetus has no moral status. This view is said to justify a "very liberal" position on abortion, that "early abortion requires no moral justification whatsoever," and show this position to be "more (...)
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  33.  13
    Local Knowledge in Institutional Epistemology 1.Elizabeth Anderson - forthcoming - Australasian Philosophical Review.
    This paper discusses the importance of local knowledge for institutional epistemology—the study of the epistemic capacities and dysfunctions of institutions, and the choice and design of institutions needed to discover, correct, and transmit the information needed to solve collective action problems. Local knowledge is knowledge of particulars held by individuals and communities with deep familiarity with those particulars. Political economists in anti-authoritarian traditions have long stressed the importance of local knowledge for solving many collective action problems. Institutions capable of deploying (...)
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    In Their Father's Library: Books Furnish Not Only a Room, But Also a Tradition.Elizabeth Powers - 2020 - Arion 28 (1):115-130.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:In Their Father’s Library: Books Furnish Not Only a Room, But Also a Tradition ELIZABETH POWERS Although they shared close life dates and became famous in the same years for their epistolary novels, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832) and Fanny Burney (1752–1840) would seem to have been worlds apart literarily. (Goethe had in his Weimar library a copy of Evelina, while Burney was probably not ignorant of the (...)
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  35.  72
    Witness of the Body: The Past, Present, and Future of Christian Martyrdom ed. by Michael L. Budde and Karen Scott.Elizabeth Sweeny Block - 2013 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 33 (1):211-212.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Witness of the Body: The Past, Present, and Future of Christian Martyrdom ed. by Michael L. Budde and Karen ScottElizabeth Sweeny BlockWitness of the Body: The Past, Present, and Future of Christian Martyrdom Edited by Michael L. Budde and Karen Scott Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2011. 238 pp. $22.00In Michael L. Budde’s introduction to this volume, he asserts its twofold purpose: to identify criteria for distinguishing authentic Christian (...)
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    Method and Evidence: Gesture and Iconicity in the Evolution of Language.Elizabeth Irvine - 2016 - Mind and Language 31 (2):221-247.
    The aim of this article is to mount a challenge to gesture-first hypotheses about the evolution of language by identifying constraints on the emergence of symbol use. Current debates focus on a range of pre-conditions for the emergence of language, including co-operation and related mentalising capacities, imitation and tool use, episodic memory, and vocal physiology, but little specifically on the ability to learn and understand symbols. It is argued here that such a focus raises new questions about the plausibility of (...)
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    What Factors Need to be Considered to Understand Emotional Memories?Elizabeth A. Kensinger - 2009 - Emotion Review 1 (2):120-121.
    In my original review (Kensinger, 2009), I proposed that to understand the effects of emotion on memory accuracy, we must look beyond effects of arousal and consider the contribution of valence. In discussing this proposal, the commentators raise a number of excellent points that hone in on the question of when valence does (and does not) account for emotion's effects on memory accuracy. Though future research will be required to resolve this issue more fully, in this brief response, I (...)
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  38.  35
    Institutional review board: management and function.Elizabeth A. Bankert, Bruce G. Gordon, Elisa A. Hurley & Sharon P. Shriver (eds.) - 2022 - Burlington, Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
    The National Institutes of Health (NIH) invests over $37 billion per year in support of research to improve human health. All research funded by NIH that involves human subjects is subject to regulatory oversight, requiring institutions to staff and manage Institutional Review Boards (IRBs). IRB members, chairs, and the many associated human subjects protections oversight professionals who support the work of the IRB must navigate complex federal regulations issued by multiple agencies. This book is the industry standard reference work (...)
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    Identifying phenomenal consciousness.Elizabeth Schier - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (1):216-222.
    This paper examines the possibility of finding evidence that phenomenal consciousness is independent of access. The suggestion reviewed is that we should look for isomorphisms between phenomenal and neural activation spaces. It is argued that the fact that phenomenal spaces are mapped via verbal report is no problem for this methodology. The fact that activation and phenomenal space are mapped via different means does not mean that they cannot be identified. The paper finishes by examining how data addressing this theoretical (...)
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  40.  21
    Kimberley Brownlee , Conscience and Conviction: The Case for Civil Disobedience . Reviewed by.Elizabeth A. Olijar - 2014 - Philosophy in Review 34 (6):293-295.
  41.  22
    Challenging procedures used in systematic reviews by promoting a case‐based approach to the analysis of qualitative methods in nursing trials.Elizabeth G. Creamer, Timothy C. Guetterman, Ishtar Govia & Michael D. Fetters - 2021 - Nursing Inquiry 28 (2):e12393.
    This methodological discussion invites critical reflection about the procedures used to analyze the contribution of qualitative and mixed methods research to nursing trials by mounting an argument that these should rest on multiple publications produced about a project, rather than a single article. We illustrate the value‐added of this approach with findings from a qualitative, cross‐case analysis of three critical case exemplars from nursing researchers that each used a qualitative approach with a mixed method phase. The holistic lens afforded by (...)
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  42. Genevieve Lloyd, The Man of Reason:'Male 'and'Female 'in Western Philosophy Reviewed by'.Elizabeth Potter - 1985 - Philosophy in Review 5 (8):338-341.
  43.  39
    Asylia: Territorial Inviolability in the Hellenistic World (review).Elizabeth A. Meyer - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (3):460-464.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Asylia: Territorial Inviolability in the Hellenistic WorldElizabeth A. MeyerKent J. Rigsby. Asylia: Territorial Inviolability in the Hellenistic World. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press, 1996. xvii 1 672 pp., 9 pls. (Hellenistic Culture and Society, 22)What was asylia, and what did the numerous grants of it signify? Kent Rigsby has tackled this 300-year-old question by compiling the first-ever collection of asylia decrees and coin legends, (...)
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    Feminism and Class Politics: A Round-Table Discussion.Elizabeth Wilson, Angela Weir, Anne Phillips, Beatrix Campbell, Michèle Barrett, Lynne Segal & Clara Connolly - 1986 - Feminist Review 23 (1):13-30.
    In December 1984 Angela Weir and Elizabeth Wilson, two founding members of Feminist Review, published an article assessing contemporary British feminism and its relationship to the left and to class struggle. They suggested that the women's movement in general, and socialist-feminism in particular, had lost its former political sharpness. The academic focus of socialist-feminism has proved more interested in theorizing the ideological basis of sexual difference than the economic contradictions of capitalism. Meanwhile the conditions of working-class and black (...)
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    Impact of Post-restatement Actions Taken by a Firm on Non-professional Investors’ Credibility Perceptions.Elizabeth Dreike Almer, Audrey A. Gramling & Steven E. Kaplan - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (1):61-76.
    The frequency of earnings restatements has been increasing over the last decade. Restating previous earnings erodes perceived trustworthiness and competence of management, giving firms strong incentives to take actions to enhance perceived credibility of future financial reports [Farber, D. 2005, The Accounting Review 80, 539-561.]. Using an experimental case, we examine the ability of post-restatement actions taken by a firm to positively influence nonprofessional investors' perceptions of management's financial reporting credibility. Our examination considers credibility judgments following two types of (...)
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    Thinking-with Decorator Crabs: Oceanic Feminism and Material Remediation in the Multispecies Aquarium.Elizabeth Burmann & Jianni Tien - 2022 - Feminist Review 130 (1):78-96.
    Feminist scholarship has increasingly turned towards the ocean as a conceptual apparatus in which to think through the complex philosophical and ethical dilemmas of the Anthropocene. Responding to the ebbs, flows and transformations of the oceanic turn, our article outlines our interactions with four decorator crabs. It begins by situating our experience of thinking-with these crabs as a feminist practice of care within the conceptual context of the ocean. Our article then draws on the knowledge that arose out of our (...)
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  47. Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?: Domestic Violence in The Shining.Elizabeth Jean Hornbeck - 2016 - Feminist Studies 42 (3):689.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 42, no. 3. © 2016 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 689 Elizabeth Jean Hornbeck Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?: Domestic Violence in The Shining At first glance, Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 film The Shining seems to be a straightforward Gothic horror film. It starts with the Torrance family— Jack, Wendy, and Danny—moving from their Boulder, Colorado, apartment into the Overlook Hotel, where Jack (Jack Nicholson) has (...)
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    The Facial Action Coding System for Characterization of Human Affective Response to Consumer Product-Based Stimuli: A Systematic Review.Elizabeth A. Clark, J'Nai Kessinger, Susan E. Duncan, Martha Ann Bell, Jacob Lahne, Daniel L. Gallagher & Sean F. O'Keefe - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:507534.
    To characterize human emotions, researchers have increasingly utilized Automatic Facial Expression Analysis (AFEA), which automates the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) and translates the facial muscular positioning into the basic universal emotions. There is broad interest in the application of FACS for assessing consumer expressions as an indication of emotions to consumer product-stimuli. However, the translation of FACS to characterization of emotions is elusive in the literature. The aim of this systematic review is to give an overview of how (...)
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    The Dissociative Mind in Psychoanalysis: Understanding and Working with Trauma.Elizabeth F. Howell & Sheldon Itzkowitz (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    _The Dissociative Mind in Psychoanalysis: Understanding and Working With Trauma_ is an invaluable and cutting edge resource providing the current theory, practice, and research on trauma and dissociation within psychoanalysis. _Elizabeth Howell and Sheldon Itzkowitz _bring together experts in the field of dissociation and psychoanalysis, providing a comprehensive and forward-looking overview of the current thinking on trauma and dissociation. The volume contains articles on the history of concepts of trauma and dissociation, the linkage of complex trauma and dissociative problems in (...)
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    Beauty Unlimited - Review[REVIEW]Elizabeth Scarbrough - 2014 - Hypatia Reviews Online 1.
    Peg Zeglin Brand (editor) Beauty Unlimited BLOOMINGTON AND INDIANAPOLIS: INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2013 (ISBN 987-0-253-00642-4 ) Reviewed by Elizabeth Scarbrough, 2014 Narrated by Miranda Pilipchuk.
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